SwissCollNet setzt sich für eine bessere Erschliessung naturhistorischer Sammlungen in der Schweiz ein. Eine gemeinsame Vision und langfristige Strategie fördert die Nutzung der Sammlungen durch die Forschung, Lehre und Gesellschaft.

Bild: OscarLoRo,


On the basis of the federal decree on credits for research funding institutions for the years 2021-2024, SCNAT is tasked with conducting this initiative with a financial support of MCHF 12.37. This budget has to be met by an equivalent amount of in-kind contributions.

The available funds will be invested to modernise and digitise the collections, to ensure data interoperability, to develop a Swiss Natural History Collections platform (SwissNatColl), to coordinate with the relevant international initiatives and to ensure the sustainable operation of the SwissNatColl

Investments of the federal funds follow the rules set in the funding regulations of SwissCollNet and will be subdivided into 3 categories:

Projects leading to the implementation of the SwissNatCollMCHF 1
Two calls for project proposalsMCHF 9.43
Project management and communicationMCHF 1.94


Schweizer Netzwerk Naturhistorische Sammlungen (SwissCollNet)
Haus der Akademien
Laupenstrasse 7
3008 Bern